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Energy Bill for 'cleaner economy'

Energy Secretary Ed Davey says the Bill will transform the energy landscape

Energy minister Ed Davey has unveiled the government's much-trailed Energy Bill, setting out the roadmap for the UK's switch to "a low-carbon economy".

Energy firms can increase the "green" levy from ?3bn to ?7.6bn a year by 2020, potentially increasing household bills by ?100.

But big, energy-intensive companies could be exempt from the extra costs of the switch to renewable energy.

There are also proposals for financial incentives to reduce energy demand.

The "transformation" will cost the UK ?110bn over ten years, Mr Davey said.

He told MPs: "Britain's energy sector is embarking on a period of exceptional renewal and expansion.

"The scale of the investment required is huge, representing close to half the UK's total infrastructure investment pipeline."

The government's plan formed the "biggest transformation of Britain's electricity market since privatisation," he said.

Measures proposed in the Bill and consultations include:

  • Household energy bills to rise ?100 on average by 2020
  • "Green" levy charged by energy firms to rise from ?3bn to ?7.6bn
  • Switch to clean energy to cost ?110bn over ten years
  • Bill aims to encourage investment in low-carbon power production
  • Energy-intensive companies may be exempt from additional charges
  • Possible financial incentives to reduce energy consumption

Mr Davey said government policy was "designed specifically to reduce consumer bills", arguing that without a move to renewable energy, bills would be higher because of a reliance on expensive and volatile gas prices.

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The government has unveiled plans to exempt some of Britain's biggest industries from charges for clean electricity.

The Energy Bill confirms that households will be expected to pay about ?100 a year on average to get more power from nuclear and renewables.

But it looks as though energy intensive firms won't have to pay the extra charges. It's feared that if their energy bills rise too high, they'll move manufacturing jobs abroad.

The move may prove controversial with consumer groups.

The Bill confirms that households would provide ?7.6bn of subsidy to nuclear and renewables by 2020 to keep the lights on and to meet targets on reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.

The government says the investment will shield the UK from volatile gas prices and force down costs in the long run.

But ministers have also announced that some of biggest industrial polluters in the UK - like steel and cement - may not be asked to pay extra. These global firms threaten to take their jobs elsewhere if power bills rise.

The government has recognised that if you are trying to cut global emissions of carbon, it's futile driving away firms to pollute somewhere else. But many households may wonder why they're being forced to pay extra whilst big firms are not.

Follow Roger on Twitter @rogerharrabin

The Energy Bill aims to move the UK's energy production from a dependence on fossil fuels to a more diverse mix of energy sources, such as wind, nuclear and biomass.

This is to fill the energy gap from closing a number of coal and nuclear power stations over the next two decades, and to meet the government's carbon dioxide emissions targets.

By allowing energy companies to charge more, the government hopes they will have the confidence to invest the huge sums of money that are needed to build renewable energy infrastructure such as windfarms.

But the opposition said that investment in renewable energy had fallen under the coalition.

"The reason that's happened is because of the uncertainty the government has created - that's why firms have put investment on hold, or scrapped it altogether," said shadow energy and climate change secretary Caroline Flint.

She added that the absence of a carbon cap for the energy sector for 2030 further undermined investment in renewables.


But in a consultation paper published alongside the Bill, Mr Davey said energy-intensive industries, such as steel and cement producers, would be exempt from additional costs arising from measures to encourage investment in new low-carbon production.

"Decarbonisation should not mean deindustrialisation", Mr Davey said.

"The transition to the low carbon economy will depend on products made by energy intensive industries - a wind turbine for example needing steel, cement and high-tech textiles.

"This exemption will ensure the UK retains the industrial capacity to support a low carbon economy."

Without the exemption, the government fears big companies would cut jobs and relocate abroad.

Reducing demand

The government proposals to reduce electricity demand include financial incentives for consumers and businesses alike.

Shadow energy secretary Caroline Flint says the bill will see consumers will facing higher prices

For example, firms could be paid for each kilowatt-hour they save as a result of taking energy-reduction measures, such as low-energy lighting.

Householders and businesses could be given discounts and incentives to replace old equipment with more energy-efficient versions.

The government believes a 10% reduction in electricity demand could save ?4bn by 2030.

But research by management consultancy McKinsey suggests there is the potential to reduce demand by as much as 26%, equivalent to 92 terawatt-hours, or the electricity generated by nine power stations in one year.

Audrey Gallacher, director of energy at Consumer Focus, said: "The government's commitment to reduce energy demand through incentives for consumers and businesses is welcome.

"But it will come at a cost - which again will be passed onto customers."

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20539981#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

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Charleston Jewish Federation screens films on Israel

Charleston Jewish Federation screens films on Israel

Posted by Seth Clare on Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 3:28 PM

In an effort to educate Charlestonians on Israel in a non-religious and politically unbiased context, the Charleston Jewish Federation (CJF) is sponsoring a film series to help keep the public informed about what?s really going on in the Middle East. As Charleston Jewish Federation Program Director Sarah Roshfield explains, the series is supposed to ?educate the community about what Israel has to offer the world today, the history of the establishment of Israel, and its legitimacy, as well as how to combat anti-Israel actions and messages.?

Films are being shown each Tuesday at 10 a.m. through December 18th at the Charleston Jewish Community Center. Each movie is roughly an hour long and is free to the public. On Dec. 4, see Israel and the West, which explores the ideological ties between the West and Israel. On Dec. 11, the Center will show Creation of a State, which examines Israel's history beginning with the War of Independence in 1948. And on Dec. 18, viewers can see peak Up for Israel, a film for advocates on how to effectively communicate about Israel.

This film series is just one facet of a broader Charleston Jewish Federation initiative to foster engagement with Israel in our community. On October 14, they brought Alan Dershowitz, the famed Harvard Law Professor, to speak on the threat of Iran to Israel, and helped raise over $50,000 to help refurbish bomb shelters in Israel. CJF also has events planned for Israel?s Memorial Day and Independence Day (April 15 and 16, 2013), and will send a delegation to Washington, D.C. for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee?s policy conference in March.

Tags: film, Jewish, Charleston Jewish Federation, Israel

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Source: http://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/HolyCinema/archives/2012/11/28/charleston-jewish-federation-screens-films-on-israel

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Kenai Peninsula & Soldotna Real Estate

Buying or selling a home is often an adventurous and complex affair. It can also end up being a time-consuming, costly and even disappointing event if the buyer or seller is not familiar with all aspects of the process or doesn?t possess the best resources and information necessary at hand.

Chris Druesedow of Kenai Peninsula Real Estate offers unparalleled expertise and service to all clients looking to buy or sell Kenai real estate property. Your complete success and satisfaction, along with his representation and service is his number one priority. They service the entire Kenai and Soldotna real estate area and its surrounding communities.

You?ll find Kenai real estate smack on the western part of the Kenai Peninsula coast, which also sits on the boundary of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. It?s about a thirty minute plane trip from southwest Anchorage, Alaska. Approximately ninety percent of the area is wilderness, so it is full of breathtaking scenery, superb fishing and abundant wildlife of all that the North has to offer; truly an ideal location for outdoor types and nature-lovers.

Kenai has a rather prolific history and booming real estate market, as it is known worldwide for its oil, natural gas, ever-growing tourism and flourishing fishing industry, both commercial and private. The Borough has forty-four schools, all of which distinguish themselves with high standards and national ratings, with an impressive teacher/student ratio. The University of Alaska also manages the Kenai Peninsula Community College. Fishing and tourism services, as well as civil service, schools and various other city office positions make up the major employment opportunities in the community.

Soldotna real estate is located in the Kenai Peninsula, and is a bit rural, with the Kenai River as its natural emblem that flows right through the center of town, which makes it another must fishing spot for those hoping to snag a record breaking prize. Aside from excellent fishing, there are a slew of other outdoor activity to take part in, such as hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, rafting and skiing. There is also a town golf course, a children?s park, swimming pools and movie theaters.

Located right on the banks of the river, the Soldotna Visitors Center is an excellent facility to gather information about local attractions and events and things to do in the area, such as the Soldotna Sports Center, where various sporting events take place, the Soldotna Historical Museum and the Centennial Park, where campsites are located, as well as nearby rodeos, baseball and softball events, hokey, ice skating and an assortment of other events and activities.

While there are a vast array of properties of many types available throughout Alaska, Chris Druesedow uses his knowledge, expertise and intuition to find his clients the perfect home at the perfect price. Depending on preference and need, the professionals at Kenai Peninsula Real Estate will not only help prospective buyers find both traditional and hard-to-find properties that are desirable and that meet their precise specifications, but help sellers, looking to sell their existing property, find the best value. Just some of the types of real estate property they specialize in include:

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These types of properties are displayed at Chris Druesedow?s site, with some of the best information and tools at his disposal. He will provide detailed information on all types of Kenai and Soldotna real estate and properties for sale. Find the latest news and what?s going on in the current real estate market, with blogs that provide fresh news on market activity.

Whether you?re new to the Kenai Peninsula and considering buying a home on the spectacular Kenai River, a resident buying additional property, a first time buyer or selling property, the professionals at Kenai Peninsula Real Estate have lived here for years and know the area inside and out. They understand and abide by a code of ethics, professionalism and integrity. Call or email Chris Druesedow for more information on your next Soldotna or Kenai real estate property transaction.

Source: http://kenairealestate.com/2012/11/27/dont-let-your-kenai-peninsula-rental-property-manage-you/

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Record Powerball result of changes to boost sales

A customer fills in his numbers on a Powerball ticket for a chance to win the $450,000 jackpot Monday, Nov. 26, 2012, in Houston for a chance to win the $450,000 jackpot. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

A customer fills in his numbers on a Powerball ticket for a chance to win the $450,000 jackpot Monday, Nov. 26, 2012, in Houston for a chance to win the $450,000 jackpot. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

A customer purchases lottery tickets for the Powerball lottery at Foster Stationery in Bergenfield, N.J. on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. The jackpot for Powerball's weekend drawing has climbed to $325 million, the fourth-largest in the game's history. Powerball organizers say this is the first run-up to a large jackpot that's fallen over a major holiday. (AP Photo/The Record (Bergen County), Don Smith)

(AP) ? The historic Powerball jackpot boosted to $500 million on Tuesday was all part of a plan lottery officials put in place early this year to build jackpots faster, drive sales and generate more money for states that run the game.

Their plan appears to be working.

Powerball tickets doubled in price in January to $2, and while the number of tickets sold initially dropped, sales revenue has increased by about 35 percent over 2011.

Sales for Powerball reached a record $3.96 billion in fiscal 2012 and are expected to reach $5 billion this year, said Chuck Strutt, executive director of the Des Moines, Iowa-based Multi-State Lottery Association, the group that runs the Powerball game.

There has been no Powerball winner since Oct. 6, and the jackpot already has reached a record level for the game. It was first posted at $425 million but revised upward to $500 million when brisk sales increased the payout. It's the second highest jackpot in lottery history, behind only the $656 million Mega Millions prize in March.

It took nine weeks for the Mega Millions jackpot to get that high, before three winners ? from Kansas, Illinois and Maryland ? hit the right numbers, each collecting $218.6 million for their share of the split.

With soaring jackpots come soaring sales, and for the states playing the game, that means higher revenue.

"The purpose for the lottery is to generate revenue for the respective states and their beneficiary programs," said Norm Lingle, chairman of the Powerball Game Group. "High jackpots certainly help the lottery achieve those goals."

Of the $2 cost of a Powerball ticket, $1 goes to the prizes and the other dollar is kept by the state lottery organization, said Lingle, who also is executive director of the South Dakota Lottery. After administrative overhead is paid, the remaining amount goes to that state's beneficiary programs.

Some states designate specific expenditures such as education, while others deposit the money in their general fund to help supplement tax revenue.

The federal government keeps 25 percent of the jackpot for federal taxes.

Most states withhold between 5 percent and 7 percent. A New York City winner would pay more than 12 percent since the state takes 8.97 percent and the city keeps 3.6 percent.

Powerball and Mega Millions games are seeing jackpots grow faster and higher in part because the states that play both games agreed in 2010 to sell to one another.

Both games are now played in 42 states, Washington, D.C., and the Virgin Islands. The larger pool of players means jackpots roll over to higher numbers faster, which tends to increase the buzz about the jackpots which increases sales. It all can result in higher jackpots sooner.

"It really happened with both of these games became national games," said Terry Rich, CEO of the Iowa Lottery.

Still, just seven of the top 25 jackpots occurred after January 2010 when the cross-selling began. That just points to the unpredictability of games of chance like lotteries. It still comes down to the luck of the numbers, Rich said.

It has been proven that once the jackpot reaches a certain threshold more players buy.

The Quick Shop in Ottumwa, Iowa, is one of the state's highest-volume lottery ticket sellers due to its location across the street from a John Deere farm implement factory.

"It's picking up by the minute," said store owner Mark Ebelsheiser. "We're selling probably 60 to 70 percent more than normal. When it gets up this high they really come out and get them."

Bob Allison, a retired Indian Hills Community College instructor and administrator, buys tickets weekly for a group of people at the college in Ottumwa. On Tuesday he and two golfing and fishing buddies went in together to buy additional tickets. Allison said he usually buys a few additional tickets when the jackpot gets so high.

He said he'd make a lot of people very happy if he won.

"My kids would probably retire quick," said the father of three daughters.

Between $20 and $30 million in tickets were sold between Wednesday and Saturday drawings for most of October. Once the jackpot hit $100 million on Oct. 27, nearly $38 million worth of tickets were sold by Oct. 31. As the jackpot grew to more than $200 million on Nov. 17, sales surged by nearly $70 million by the next Wednesday. Then the jackpot reached over $300 million on Nov. 24 and ticket sales over the next four days surpassed $140 million.

"Somewhere around $100 million those occasional players seem to come back into the stores in droves," said Rich, the Iowa Lottery CEO. The lottery also notices a significant increase in workers and other groups joining together in pools to combine resources to buy numbers, he said.

Trina Small, manager at the convenience store in Bondurant, Iowa, where a couple bought a $202 million ticket on Sept. 26, said sales have been heavy. She said Monday night Powerball sales were at about $800, at least $200 more than normal. She expects Tuesday and Wednesday sales to be even more.

"It's kind of like Black Friday all over again," she said.

Small doesn't usually play the lottery herself but said she may buy a chance at the record jackpot. She's just trying to decide if her chances are better buying it elsewhere since a jackpot ticket was sold at her store just two months ago ? the old adage about lightning striking twice.

"The odds are against you anyway but I'm pretty sure they're more against you getting one from this store," she joked.

Powerball has posted sales exceeding $714 million in the current jackpot run since early October and it's possible more than $1 billion in tickets will have been sold by the end of Wednesday when the next drawing is held.

A single winner choosing the cash option would take home more than $327 million before taxes.

Strutt said the chance of getting a winner this Wednesday is approaching 60 percent.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-11-27-Powerball-Big%20Jackpots/id-c6b1b12ede5a48799876d25228dd988d

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বুধবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Buddha hoga tera baap: Bachchan the most prolific star on Twitter & 5 lessons from @ipoonampandey

Among eight top Bollywood stars, Amitabh Bachchan is certainly not the youngest, but he is by far the most prolific on Twitter with nearly 80 % of his tweets used up to share personal moments and to interact with fans, according to a new study.

The 70 year old superstar is also the most frequent tweeter with an average of 50 posts a week among the 8 stars, according to ThoughtBuzz, a social media intelligence company based in Singapore.

The company analyzed at least 100 tweets each from celebrities including Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone, Madhuri Dixit, Priyanka Chopra, Shahid Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor.

Interestingly, none of the celebrities talk about the brands that they endorse actively and there is no story in their tweets when it comes to talking about brand, the study said.

Other findings

Shahrukh Khan uses twitter to connect with fans, share experiences and promote films in a subtle mannter.

Madhuri Dixit Nene tweets in spurts, talks of personal moments, work and promotes brands.

Deepika Padukone tweets or re-tweets a lot about fitness and sports. She also promotes her work on twitter but is not a regular Twitter user.

Shahid Kapoor?s tweets show his love for sports. He also tweets his whereabouts and thoughts.

Akshay Kumar often used Whosay.com which allows longer tweets. He usually promotes his work, films and acknowledges appreciation.

Sonam Kapoor tweeted the most about brands she endorses. A significant part of her tweets were retweets ranging from politics to Jan Lokpal bill and Coal scam.

Priyanka Chopra used almost half her tweets to promote her work. She also uses instagram frequently. Interestingly, she endorses the Nokia Lumia series of phones for which Instagram is still not available.

According to Social Bakers, with over 300,000 followers, Poonam Pandey, the former Kingfisher calendar girl is ranked higher than superstars like Shah Rukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra. She is second only to megastar Amitabh Bachchan in terms of follower count.? Here are five things we think she is doing right:
1. Do NOT bare it all.

Startups, for instance, when they meet investors (a big brand, especially) tend to bare it all in front of them. Not just investors, but even potential customers etc (who evaluate the roadmap against other competitive quotes). The trick is NOT to bare it all. As the famous Bollywood dialogue goes ? ?Thoda dikhao, thoda chupao?.

TLDR; Keep the interest ON.

2. Focus.

Poonam Pandey is heavily focused on Twitter ? and not on any other network (there are multiple Facebook pages, all pointing to her twitter account). She throws all her energy in just 1 communication channel and simply grows the channel.

Now, take a look at most of the other Indian brands ? they are everywhere (even on G+). For them, social media is spray and pray; but smarter ones know their audience and what they want out of the medium.

3. She is a PRO.

We don?t know what kind of video infrastructure she uses. But it looks like there is a LOT of background activity that?s going on. And that requires a lot of effort. It?s not just about shooting mediocre photos/videos, but I believe there is pretty much an in house crew.

That is, there is no excuses for being mediocre.

4. She is an Entrepreneur.

From nobody to iPoonamPandey, she has redefined the social media to suit her fancies. Call it a cheesy move, but offering to strip for the Indian team did the trick. It takes a lot of balls (oh!) guts, to even think of something like that.

And guess what ? she was already being called a Bollywood actor, even before there was any movie.

5. Show them the community power

Few days ago, Poonam Pandey decided not to publish any video till Twitter verifies her account. And she has asked her followers to sign the twition. And on in a few hours, the hashtag: TwitterwithoutPoonamPandey was trending. Talk about the power of community!

Source: http://www.nextbigwhat.com/film-stars-on-twitter-297/

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Post-election, Obama to appeal to the public on how to deal with the fiscal cliff (Star Tribune)

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Tunisian protesters clash with police over economic woes

TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisian protesters riled over economic deprivation clashed with police on Wednesday and at least 100 people were injured, medical sources said, in further unrest in the country that spawned the Arab Spring uprisings.

Now ruled by an elected Islamist-led government, Tunisia has struggled to revive its economy in the face of a decline in trade with the euro zone and disputes between secularists and Salafi Islamists over the direction of the North African state.

The street clashes began on Tuesday when thousands of people rallied in Siliana, a city in Tunisia's economically deprived interior on the edge of the Sahara desert, to demand the resignation of local officials.

"There are at least 100 wounded and some in critical condition were transferred to other hospitals," Taher Amri, an official in Siliana Hospital, said by telephone. He said police used tear gas and rubber bullets on protesters.

State television said that at least 80 people were injured and that residents blocked the entrances to the city, setting tyres alight on roads.

Iyed Dahmani, a politician from the Republican Party in the town, said the national guard - an interior ministry-run security force - had deployed tanks to help restore order.

The protests were the fiercest since Salafi Islamists attacked the U.S. embassy in Tunis in September over an anti-Islam film made in California. That violence left four people dead.

Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali has accused both Salafis and liberal elites of harming Tunisia's economy and image through their conflict with each other. His Ennahda party has tried to present itself as a middle way between liberals and Salafis.

The World Bank on Tuesday approved a $500 million loan to Tunisia to help it recover from the uprising that toppled its former regime, with another $700 million loan coming from other donors.

The loan, the World Bank's second since the revolution, aims to support Tunisia's economic recovery by providing funds to improve the business and financial sectors and reform social services, which are vital for reducing inequality.

The Arab Spring democracy movement began in Tunisia almost two years ago with the fall of dictator Zain al-Abidine Ben Ali in an uprising after 23 years of rule. Subsequent uprisings toppled rulers in Egypt, Libya and Yemen, and Syria's president is battling an armed revolt that evolved from peaceful protests.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/tunisian-protesters-clash-police-over-economic-woes-153807740.html

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For Marissa Mayer, it's God, family and Yahoo

At Fortune Magazine's "Most Powerful Women" dinner? in Palo Alto, Calif., businesswoman Marissa Mayer, who was criticized for juggling a short maternity leave and her new role as Yahoo's CEO, says she has found balance by "ruthlessly prioritizing" God, family and then Yahoo, citing legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi.


By Ben Popken, TODAY contributor

"The baby's been easy!" Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer told an invite-only crowd at a?Fortune?"Most Powerful Women" event on?Tuesday evening in Palo Alto, Calif.

"The baby's been way easier than everyone made it out to be. I think I've been really lucky that way but I had a?very easy, healthy pregnancy.?He's been easy. So those have been the two really terrific surprises: the kid has been easier and the job has been fun!" Mayer said, referring to her son, Macallister.?The crowd chuckled?along with her.

It turns out the former Google executive, known for her planning skills and extensive use of spreadsheets to make major life decisions (and determine the perfect cupcake recipe), can still be surprised when it comes to both motherhood and corporate leadership.

"I think that there's two surprising things," Mayer told the audience, comprised mostly of women, "I knew that the job would be hard and I knew that the baby would be fun. And the thing that surprised me, and really puzzlingly so, is that the job is really fun! Yahoo is a really fun place to work."?

In a television exclusive, TODAY aired excerpts of the interview this morning, which may be her last public interview for some time.

The 37-year old, Mayer, who became Yahoo's CEO while 6-months pregnant and gave birth shortly thereafter, returned to work after a two-week maternity leave, sparking debate about whether she could both lead the embattled internet giant and be a good mother.

More broadly, her story has kindled a national conversation about whether women can truly "have it all" in terms of?work-life balance. As a female CEO in the male-dominated tech world, and pregnant at that, some have pointed to her ascent as evidence of "The Fall of Men."

"What's the most important thing that you do, to get it all done?" Mayer was asked onstage at the FORTUNE event.

"You have to ruthlessly prioritize," replied Mayer. Doing interviews haven't been high on the priority list lately.?

"And that's one of the reasons I haven't been talking and I will go back to not talking after tonight."?said Mayer.

So far investors agree with how Mayer prioritizes her time. Yahoo's stock is up 18 percent since she took over.

A native of Wisconsin, Mayer cited legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi as an inspiration.

"And you know Vince Lombardi says, in my life there are?three things: God, family and the Green Bay Packers, in that order. For me, it's God, family, and Yahoo, in that order."

In a few hours Mayer will join a group of CEOs meeting with President Barack Obama to?discuss their priorities for?the so-called "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and spending cuts set to take place?Jan. 1, unless Congress acts.

Source: http://lifeinc.today.com/_news/2012/11/28/15509672-for-marissa-mayer-its-god-family-and-yahoo?lite

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2 men charged in killing of family's pet turkey

By NBC News staff

Two Florida men are accused of using a bow and arrow to kill a family?s 30-pound pet turkey so they could eat if for Thanksgiving.

Joshua W. Anderson, 19, and Jacob H. Provo, 18, are charged with armed burglary, armed trespassing, theft of livestock and animal cruelty.

Santa Rosa County sheriff?s deputies arrested the pair on Monday as they were on their way to butcher the dead bird, the Pensacola News Journal?reported.

Tom the turkey was among dozens of animals that Brian and Christa Caponi kept on their six-acre property in Gulf Breeze, a suburb of Pensacola, Fla.

??He was a family pet,? Christa Caponi told the News Journal. ?It was like having a normal family dog.?

The bird was missing when Brian Caponi got up early Monday to feed the animals. Thieves left behind a trail of blood and feathers. A security camera on the property captured video of one man stealing the turkey and another running along the fence line.

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According to the arrest report, Provo, who lives near the Caponis, admitted entering the pen and shooting his neighbor?s turkey with a bow and arrow. The pair said that they planned to eat Tom for Thanksgiving, the News Journal reported.

The turkey?s body was found in the back of Provo?s pickup, investigators said.

The Caponis are mourning the loss of Tom, which they described as special among their menagerie of cats, goats, a dog, chickens and roosters.

?He was a family pet,?Christa Caponi told the newspaper. ?It was like having a normal family dog.?

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/21/15341313-2-men-charged-with-killing-familys-pet-turkey-for-thanksgiving-dinner?lite

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Mursi draws fire with new Egypt decree

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi triggered controversy on Thursday by issuing a decree likely to lead to retrials of Hosni Mubarak and his aides but which was compared to the ousted leader's autocratic ways.

As well as ordering retrials for Mubarak-era officials responsible for violence during the uprising against his rule, the decree shielded from legal challenge an Islamist-dominated assembly writing Egypt's new constitution.

It gave the same protection to the upper house of parliament, dominated by Islamists allied to Mursi, and assigned the president new powers that allowed him to sack the Mubarak-era prosecutor general and appoint a new one.

It stated that all decisions taken by Mursi until the election of a new parliament were exempt from legal challenge.

Presented as a move to "protect the revolution", the decree won immediate praise from Mursi's allies but stoked fears among secular-minded Egyptians that the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies aim to dominate the new Egypt. It seemed likely to deepen the divisions that have plagued the post-Mubarak era.

"These decisions will feed discord in Egyptian politics and will be far from creating a favourable climate for restoration of economic growth," Mustapha Kamal Al-Sayyid, a professor of political science at Cairo University, said.

Leading liberal politician Mohamed ElBaradei, writing on his Twitter account, said Mursi had "usurped all state powers and appointed himself Egypt's new pharaoh". But Mahmoud Ghozlan, spokesman for the Brotherhood, described the move as "revolutionary and popular".

The decree appeared to remove any uncertainty still hanging over the fate of the assembly writing the constitution. The body has faced a raft of legal challenges from plaintiffs who dispute its legality.

Critics say its popular legitimacy had been further called into doubt by withdrawals of many of its non-Islamist members who had complained their voices were not being heard.

The constitution is a crucial element in Egypt's transition to democracy. New parliamentary elections will not be held until the document is completed and passed by a popular referendum.

The decree also gave the body an additional two months to complete its work, meaning the drafting process could stretch until February, pushing back new elections.

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The move to order a retrial of Mubarak-era officials will likely be popular among those who feel that revolutionary justice has yet to be served.

Mubarak, 84, was sentenced to life in prison in June for failing to prevent killings that occurred during the uprising that led to his February 11, 2011 downfall. He has been held in a prison hospital since his sentence was handed down.

Yet critics have faulted the process by which he and other officials were put on trial. One of the problems, they say, was that the Mubarak-era prosecutor general had not been replaced.

Mursi had tried to replace Abdel Maguid Mahmoud, the man sacked on Thursday, in October. The move kicked up a storm of protest from judges who said the president had exceeded his powers and was threatening their independence.

Mursi got around the problem this time by giving himself the power to appoint a new prosecutor general, Talat Abdullah, whose swearing-in was shown on state television.

Heba Morayef, Egypt director for Human Rights Watch, said: "Egypt needed judicial reform and the public prosecutor is a Mubarak holdover, but granting the president absolute power and immunity is not the way to do it."

(Additional reporting by Ahmed Tolba and Tom Perry; Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Michael Roddy)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at: http://about.reuters.com/fulllegal.asp

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/49932554/ns/world_news-africa/

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U.S. blocks U.N. Security Council action on Israel-Gaza conflict

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday blocked a U.N. Security Council statement condemning the escalating conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, setting the scene for a possible showdown between Washington and Russia on the issue.

The United States opposed the statement - which had to be approved by consensus - because it "failed to address the root cause," missile attacks by Hamas - of the escalation in fighting between Israel and Hamas militants in Gaza, said Erin Pelton, spokeswoman for the U.S. mission to the United Nations.

Israel said it was these Hamas rocket attacks that prompted its major offensive against the militants in Gaza on Wednesday.

"We made clear that we would measure any action by the Security Council based on whether it supported the ongoing diplomacy toward de-escalation of violence and a durable outcome that ends the rocket attacks on Israeli cities," Pelton said.

"By failing to call for the immediate and permanent halt to rocket launches from Gaza into Israel, this press statement failed to contribute constructively to those goals," she said. "As such, we could not agree to this statement."

Russia said on Monday that if the 15-member council could not agree on a statement then it would put a resolution - a stronger move by the council than a statement - to a vote later on Tuesday to call for an end to the violence and show support for regional and international efforts to broker peace.

Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said later on Tuesday his resolution had been put on hold amid negotiations on a truce between Israel and Hamas militants, but if a ceasefire was not reached he might still put it to a vote.

"I think we should have said something (on the conflict) a long time ago," Churkin said. "We will assess the situation (on Wednesday morning)." The U.N. Security Council is scheduled to meet to discuss the conflict on Wednesday afternoon.

A resolution is passed when it receives nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the five permanent council members - Russia, China, Britain, the United States and France.

The Security Council is generally deadlocked on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which U.N. diplomats say is due to U.S. determination to protect its close ally Israel. The council held an emergency meeting last Wednesday to discuss the Israeli strikes on Gaza but took no action.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton headed to the region on Tuesday to try to calm the conflict. Egypt was trying to broker a truce between Israel and Hamas. Israeli air strikes and Palestinian rocket fire continued on Tuesday for a seventh day.

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Will Dunham and Todd Eastham)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/u-blocks-u-n-security-council-action-israel-033929089.html

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Business change lead | Mindworx

Position available in?leading South African investment bank with global reach, offering clients financing, risk management and advisory solutions in a wide range of currencies and structures. Based in Sandton.


  • B-degree in ?Business, Project or Administration (NQF level 6.)

Purpose of the job

To lead a change stream within a product area of the Corporate business.? Define and deliver change architecture for a particular stream, own and end-to-end project manage the delivery of the initiative.? To work as part of a change team, managing Project Managers, Strategic Project Managers, Process Engineers and Business Analysts assigned to these projects


  • Identify and leverage synergies between the various strategic initiatives that are mobilised within this portfolio and provide guidance and direction when developing plans for the implementation of strategic initiatives in the stream
  • Manage the project teams, business resources and external consultants assigned to deliver these initiatives
  • Monitor and control initiative delivery against defined plans.? Develop and maintain a ?journey? plan for the steam?s initiatives indicating dependencies, sequencing , high-level timelines and overall benefits
  • Anticipate customer needs and wants and identify and define appropriate additional new change projects in the area
  • Ensure that benefits are defined in Business Cases and are realised, by tracking expenditure against project achievements
  • Drive new thinking within the stream by proactively identifying, incubating and packaging relevant concepts/solutions that can be applied to the area in such a way that they improve efficiencies, productivity and competiveness, whilst reducing costs
  • Engage with key stakeholders and the head of Change and Strategy on a regular basis, to understand the business drivers and areas in the business that compromise the business to deliver services efficiently and effectively and that are extremely expensive to operate or fulfil on
  • Provide specialised advice and direction to move ideas from concept to action and to prototype the ideas and test the effectiveness, feasibility and adoptability of the solution
  • Support Change initiatives in which new concepts are being investigated or proposed and provide input to these discussions
  • Contribute to the development of business unit strategy for the next 1 ? 2 years by providing a view in potential improvements for product or services and an assessment of the existing situation and anticipated changes in the external environment
  • Work with other change leads in the team to achieve excellent business results through continuous people development and mentoring activities
  • Interact closely and guide project teams working in the stream on initiatives in your stream
  • Manage the performance of project resources allocated to your stream
  • Operate as an effective member of the larger Change Team
  • Ensure the successful and profitable end-to-end execution of all change projects within Stream, by ensuring that all change governance is adhered to
  • Ensured quality of project delivery through conducting occasional formal audits on project documentation and reviewing the project assurance reports prepared in the team
  • Set the budget, review it, identify areas for improvements and manage the area within stream
  • Communicate to all team members the Company Policies which are applicable from a Change process and people management perspective, and ensure that compliance to these is monitored in order to determine adherence

Contact: Please send your CV to Sarah Pons at Sarahp@mindworx.co.za or visit our website for details

Source: http://www.mindworx.co.za/business-change-lead/

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News Online Home Loan: The Availability of Online Unsecured Loans

Technological advancement has been a great contributor to many aspects of everyday life, none more so than the finance industry. Applying for a loan always used to be a manual paper-based and time-consuming process, prior to the days of online application.

Most lenders will now have a fully functioning website containing an application form. Once you have entered your details into the form most lenders will give you a courtesy call and either email or post you the loan documents.

Each process is different, different types of unsecured loans will have completely different processes. Generally speaking loans offering larger sums of money will have a more rigorous and lengthier process, whereas short-term loans such as payday loans will carry out very few checks meaning that the loan can be approved within one hour.

The speed and ease of online applications means that applying for an unsecured loan is convenient and can be completed in any spare time available.

Prior to the introduction of online unsecured loans, there were very few options available to non-homeowners or those with poor credit, there were simply personal loans from banks or specialist lenders.

Nowadays there are a number of options available meaning there is a loan for every situation. Tenant loans are specialist unsecured loans for non-homeowners and tenants, they have some flexibility regarding credit history and generally offer sums ranging from ?1000 to ?15000.

Guarantor loans are another specialist unsecured loan, these offer amount ranging from ?1000 to ?5000, they are flexible both with the purpose of the loan and the credit history of the customer meaning that even if the customer has poor credit they can still be approved providing they have a suitable guarantor (homeowner) to support the application.

Payday loans are the newest type of loans, as the title suggests they offer finance until your next payday, meaning that the loan term ranges from a few days to a few weeks, the amount available generally ranges from ?50 to ?400.


Most unsecured loan websites will have an FAQ or customer questions section, however if you are still unable to find what you are looking for there will be a 'contact us' page containing all contact details. All lenders will have a call centre which will have experts available to answer any queries you may have.

Along with going direct to the lender there are also a number of online loan comparison websites, these websites will have a large panel of brokers all offering different products to suit certain situations. After entering various personal and financial details (no bank details required) you will be presented with various quotes with the most suitable/ cheapest at the top of the list.

Ultimately, the introduction of online unsecured loans has made the application process a much quicker and more convenient experience for customers. It has also been an influential factor in the creation of new products such as tenant, guarantor and payday loans.

Source: http://matthewporterart.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-availability-of-online-unsecured.html

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Online Reputation Management - Business 2 Community

Patients are looking at you more closely than ever before. Are you sure they?re looking at the right information? I continually harp on the importance of online reputation management (ORM) for that very reason ? it?s important. Oh, and most of you who haven?t done anything proactive have incorrect information floating around the internet getting into patient?s hands ? be that the wrong office address or phone number or unwarranted negative reviews, they are out there and their importance is growing.

Several months back I was a featured speaker at the?2012 Bones Society of Florida Annual Meeting?speaking on this very topic and how it can impact your practice. Among other things, I presented what your office can do today to claim some of your most important profiles and why taking an active role in your ORM matters. Here are some statistics to consider:

  • More than 100 million people choose HealthGrades.com to find out more about their doctor prior to an appointment and rate them following an appointment
  • The rating show prominently on Google, which averages 170,000,000 unique visitors each month
  • More than 74 percent of searches are related to small businesses (like your office)
  • 92 percent of buyers regularly check reviews online before making a purchase or service decision

Now that you know some of the reasons it matters, you may be asking yourself what exactly all of this means to your practice. Let?s explain in a bit more detail. What is Online Reputation Management? Essentially, ORM is the process of monitoring the Internet reputation of a person, brand or business. In your case, acting as the physician and figurehead of your company, you act as all three.

Actively monitoring your online reputation involves claiming physician review site profiles and general review sites (such as HealthGrades.com, Vitals.com and Yelp.com) to ensure accuracy, respond to patient complaints, and using online feedback to influence future marketing and business decisions. A complete plan will also include inbound marketing strategies such as a content management system (CMS), video sharing and a comprehensive social media plan. In addition to just monitoring the review sites, the complete reputation bubble will use the CMS and social media aspects of the plan to drive content to your site, position you better on Google and create a loyal online following ? all of which is designed to put more patients in your waiting room.?In essence, by fostering an environment for positive reviews and accurate information online, a complete ORM will leverage and focus all of your efforts to help your bottom line while simultaneously keeping your name out of the mud.

Do Patients Really Use These Sites?

Yes, they most certainly do. As stated above, the number of patients using the review sites and basing their opinions off of what is found there is continuing to trend upward. Unfortunately, there is no real way to know how many patients look at your profile and decide not to pick up the phone based on what they find there. However, by adding something as simple as ?How Did You Hear About Us?? to your new patient paperwork, you may be able to identify if patients are coming to you because of your online reputation ? don?t scoff at the idea, we?ve seen it with some of our clients. In fact, we?ve had a few patients tell us that they?ve decided to have surgery with some of our clients strictly because of an online video piece they saw about the doctor we shared on YouTube.

And, on the flipside of the spectrum, we?ve seen with clients where a hospital actually gained access to their physician rating profiles and changed all of the ?Call for an Appointment? numbers directly to the hospital?s. We choose not to think about the number of potential appointments lost because of the inaccuracy. The bottom line is that this stuff works and if you aren?t taking advantage of it, frankly, you?re missing the boat.

What Do I Do?

I?ve heard it all before ? yes, I know it takes a lot of time to do and it?s relatively new and unstable ground to tread. But the fact of the matter is that if you aren?t, your competition down the street is. My recommendation is to set aside some time this weekend or at the end of the night and just educate yourself a bit on the topic. See what?s out there, find where your name pops up and read what people are saying about your office. You may be surprised at the results. Then, schedule a little time each week to tackle each site until you systematically make your way through the largest, most visible sites.

At that point, it would be a good idea to consider writing some custom content for your website, scheduling social media posts and filming a few quick videos to educate patients about who you are and what you do. If that proves to be too much to chew, consider dividing the responsibilities among your staff or hiring a specialist. It?s a new world of marketing out there; make sure you?re a part of it.

Let me know if you?d like a copy of my slideshow presentation from the 2012 BSOF Annual Meeting ? including the steps your office can take to claim some of your most vital online physician profiles. ?If so, email me at jennifer@insightmg.com.

Source: http://www.business2community.com/marketing/online-reputation-management-what-have-you-done-for-your-medical-practice-lately-0336547

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Big Data Consolidation: WANdisco Buys AltoStor For $5.1M To Beef Up Its Apache Hadoop Cred

wandisco-logoA little consolidation in the world of big data and Apache Hadoop development: WANdisco, a UK/U.S.-based provider of collaboration software that focuses on the open-source Apache Subversion revision control system, has announced the completion of its acquisition of Palo-Alto-based AltoStor, which will help it further develop its big data products. Publicly-traded WANdisco is paying?$5.1 million, with $3.6 million of that in shares and $1.5m in cash, "payable on completion as a signing bonus," the company said in a statement to the London Stock Exchange.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/iyGxTPkiMxg/

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